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Sofia, 25. February 2025 – The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) strongly condemns the Bulgarian Parliament’s reckless decision to ban all vaping products. This misguided policy, sparked by a tragic incident involving a black-market THC …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) has published the results of a survey conducted by independent pollster Dynata. The survey confirms the importance of vaping as a harm-reduction tool and explains how banning flavours could …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
La prohibición de los sabores de vapeo en España aumentaría el tabaquismo, afirma World Vapers’ Alliance La organización de vapeadores World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) ha presentado los resultados de un estudio realizado por la …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
Sofia, 18.02.2025 – The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) strongly criticizes the Bulgarian Parliament’s recent unanimous vote to implement a blanket ban on vaping products. This ill-conceived decision threatens public health and ignores scientific evidence …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
France’s recent decision to ban disposable e-cigarettes is a misguided step that threatens to undermine progress in tobacco harm reduction. While well-intentioned, this move ignores scientific evidence and could have severe unintended consequences for …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
In Deutschland zeichnet sich eine besorgniserregende Entwicklung ab, die die Zukunft des Dampfens grundlegend verändern könnte. Die Grünen erwägen ein Verbot von Menthol-Aromen in E-Zigaretten, was weitreichende Folgen hätte. Dieses Verbot könnte bis zu …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
The war on vaping continues, and adult smokers and vapers remain invisible in the conversation. While politicians and public health agencies claim to fight for “public health,” their policies and research overwhelmingly focus on …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
The past week has seen a flurry of legislative activity concerning vaping and tobacco products worldwide. From proposed bans on vapes to new regulations on product packaging, policymakers are cracking down on vaping. This …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
Wopke Hoekstra wrongly equates vaping with smoking and pushes taxation that could drive ex-smokers back to cigarettes. Brussels, 10.2.2025 – The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) strongly condemns the recent statements made by EU Tax Commissioner …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.