
Who Is Going To Stand Up For What’s Right?

As a vaper who was once a smoker for over 10 years, I’ve seen firsthand the incredible difference vaping can make in a person’s life. But lately, the growing wave of restrictions on harm reduction tools, particularly in the European Union, has me deeply concerned. The future of alternatives like vaping, nicotine pouches, and other reduced-risk products is being threatened by increasingly harsh regulations—regulations that could undo years of progress in reducing smoking rates.

In the UK, there’s a push to ban disposable vapes, which have been an essential tool for many smokers who are trying to quit. While their effectiveness in helping people transition away from smoking is well-documented, policymakers are considering banning them in the name of public health. Similarly, France has introduced a nicotine pouch ban and massive tobacco tax increases, further escalating the situation. These decisions, rather than promoting public health, risk pushing smokers back to cigarettes or forcing them into the black market. Such restrictions show a disturbing shift toward prohibition rather than focusing on science-backed harm reduction.

I can’t help but feel frustrated by this growing disregard for the people directly affected by these decisions—consumers like me. Vaping helped me quit smoking when nothing else worked, and I know I’m not alone in this. Yet, as EU regulators continue to tighten the reins, it’s clear that consumer voices are being left out of the conversation. When the science is clear, why are we ignoring it?

Thankfully, not all is lost. In a significant win for science and consumer choice, the European Parliament recently rejected a proposal to ban outdoor vaping. This decision demonstrates that common sense can still prevail when evidence-based advocacy is amplified. It’s a clear message that vaping policies should be informed by facts, not fear. Victories like these give me hope that, with persistent effort, we can push back against misguided restrictions and protect access to harm reduction tools across Europe.

The upcoming revisions to the Tobacco Products Directive are a pivotal moment for all of us in the harm reduction community. If we can push back against these harmful policies and advocate for more balanced, evidence-based approaches, we can ensure that vaping and other harm reduction tools remain accessible to those who need them the most.

I won’t pretend it will be easy. The fight for harm reduction is a tough one, and there are still many battles ahead. But we must continue to advocate for the right to choose healthier alternatives. By learning from the successes of countries like Sweden, where tobacco harm reduction policies have drastically reduced smoking rates, the EU could adopt a more sensible, risk-based approach.

So, to all my fellow vapers, consumers, and vape shop owners: we can’t let these decisions be made without us. Now is the time to step up, share our stories, and fight for a future where harm reduction is prioritized. Together, we can ensure that Europe doesn’t move backwards, but instead embraces a smoke-free future based on evidence, science, and the well-being of its people. The journey may be tough, but as a community, we can make sure the future remains bright for all of us who rely on these life-saving alternatives.

Let’s make our voices heard—because our lives depend on it.


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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.

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