The flavour ban in Slovenia will jeopardise the smoking cessation potential …

Ljubljana, Slovenia – March 12 – The Parliamentary Committee on Health in Slovenia has approved proposed amendments concerning tobacco-related products. The amendments, endorsed by the members of parliament, primarily focus on vaping, leading to the prohibition of all flavours except tobacco, including menthol flavour.

“During the committee session, certain statements from experts were deemed alarming and, to a considerable extent, misleading. For instance, it was claimed there is no disparity in harmfulness between conventional tobacco smoking and vaping. Contrary to this assertion, scientific evidence suggests that vaping is significantly less harmful than smoking. In fact, according to Public Health England, vaping is 95% less harmful.

The pivotal role flavours play in smoking cessation cannot be overstated. Research indicates that adults who use vaping flavours to cease smoking are 230% more likely to quit successfully. Unfortunately, the Slovenian government’s failure to acknowledge this scientific evidence distorts the potential for smoking cessation in the country, thereby jeopardising public health overall,” stated Liza Katsiashvili, Operations Director at the World Vapers’ Alliance.

The consumer organisation in Slovenia also expressed criticism towards the amendments:

“The new legislation is deemed harmful, unethical, immoral, and discriminatory. Its sole consequence is the limitation of access to vaping for those who need it the most – former smokers and individuals attempting to quit. Meanwhile, smoking rates in Slovenia persist at a staggering 20%.

If the government aims to deter youth from vaping, prohibiting it for adults and inadvertently encouraging the growth of the black market will not yield favourable results,” remarked Slaven Kalebic, President of the Slovenian Vapers Association.

We at the World Vapers’ Alliance urge policymakers in Slovenia to reassess the proposed vaping restrictions, acknowledge the potential public health benefits vaping can offer, and adopt a progressive harm reduction approach for adult smokers grappling with cessation efforts and at risk of smoking-related illnesses.


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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.

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