
The World Vapers’ Alliance Launches a WVA Ambassador Program

The initiative comprises of a free accelerator program for vape shops which aims to support its members and help amplify the voice of vapers in their communities.

The World Vapers’ Alliance’s (WVA) general aim is providing a platform for all vapers to make their voices heard. To this effect, the WVA ambassador program is free of charge, and designed to nurture stronger connections between vape shop owners and their customers, especially those who are actively involved in the fight for tobacco harm reduction.

“At World Vapers’ Alliance, we represent consumers around the globe and want to bridge the gap between activists, vape shops and consumers. Most vape shop owners are passionate vapers and are helping people to quit smoking every day. They should be lauded, but instead, they are hit by bad regulation as much as we, consumers, are,” said WVA community manager Liza Katsiashvili.


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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.

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