World Vapers' Alliance

A plan to hike tax on vapes and e-liquids in Poland has passed a major legal hurdle.  The legislation – which will see increased excise taxes on vapes and tobacco products – passed a …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
Despite the fact that harm reduction is one of the UN’s own principles, while applied to other areas of concern such as drug abuse, it is being ignored in relation to smoking and tobacco …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
Wien, 8.10.2024 — Die World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) äußert große Besorgnis über die Empfehlung der EU-Kommission, das Dampfen (Vapen) in rauchfreien Bereichen zu verbieten und es damit faktisch mit dem Rauchen gleichzusetzen. Die Umsetzung …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
Written by Joseph Magero The proposals relating to vapes and oral nicotine pouches will, if passed into law, have severe unintended consequences that will unnecessarily put the lives of thousands of Kenyans at risk. …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
Warsaw, 04.10.2024 — The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) strongly opposes the Polish government’s decision to raise excise taxes on heated tobacco products and e-liquids for vaping aiming to reduce price differences between tobacco products …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
We’re excited to announce that the ALIVE Movement has become a part of the World Vapers’ Alliance! Based in Australia, the ALIVE Movement is made up of hundreds of passionate vape advocates. Australia, notorious …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
The European Union Commission is making a disastrous mistake by lumping vaping with smoking, according to The World Vapers’ Alliance The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) has expressed its grave concern over the European Union …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
Una posizione fermamente contraria. E’ quella che viene dalla World Vapers’ Alliance rispetto alle intenzioni del Governo spagnolo manifestate in ordine al prossimo divieto di sigarette elettroniche usa e getta ed anche di liquidi …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
Madrid, 01.10.2024. The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) firmly rejects the Secretary of State for Health’s announcement regarding the ban on disposable vapes and flavours. Although these measures are presented as a way to curb …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
Il portavoce per la salute del Ppe, Peter Liese, e World Vapers’ Alliance criticano la misura che equipara sigaretta elettronica e fumo. Fa discutere la proposta inoltrata martedì scorso dalla Commissione europea al Consiglio, …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.