
World Vapers' Alliance

A coalition of vapers calls on the Australian Health Department to end the crackdown on vape businesses and consumers In the letter released on Wednesday, 20 July 2022, vaping activists from around the world …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
L’Irlanda pensa a una legge super restrittiva contro gli strumenti a rischio ridotto e allora scendono in campo le associazioni di categoria. Le associazioni dei consumatori sono pronte a mobilitarsi per difendere i diritti …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
18.07.2022 Dublin, Ireland — Last Friday, the Oireachtas Health Committee published a Pre-Legislative Scrutiny report that includes a vaping flavour ban, plain packaging and a ban on vaping advertisements. The report contains recommendations from …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
An overwhelming majority of EU citizens who responded to a European Commission initiative say they support tobacco harm reduction products. The Commission’s “Call for Evidence” on the legislative framework for tobacco control received an …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
La Commission européenne a annoncé son intention d’interdire la vente de tous les produits du tabac chauffé aromatisés. La commissaire européenne à la santé et à la sécurité alimentaire, Stella Kyriakides, a également appelé …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
The EU Commission (EC) has recently announced a plan to ban the sales of flavoured heated tobacco products, and Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, is also calling for “stricter enforcement” on …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
The European Commission has announced its intention to ban the sale of all flavoured heated tobacco products. The EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, also called for “stricter enforcement” for new …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
Buone notizie dal Belgio, in un rapporto emanato pochi giorni fa dal Consiglio Superiore di Sanità, la sigaretta elettronica è stata riconosciuta come un mezzo d’aiuto per smettere di fumare.  Il recente documento, che …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
“Our voices are heard”, says the World Vapers Alliance as vapers celebrate the victory to save e-liquid flavours in Sweden. As covered by the Planet of the Vapes last week, the Swedish Parliament voted …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.
Today, the Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA) voted on the amendments and the draft of the Beating Cancer report. Naturally, the report authors say smoking is likely one of the important causes of …

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Vaping can save 200 million lives and flavours play a key role in helping smokers quit. However, policymakers want to limit or ban flavours, putting our effort to end smoking-related deaths in jeopardy.