
Raise your voice to back vaping – EU consultation is open!

Raise your voice to back vaping – EU consultation is open! 

Many politicians and anti-vaping voices call for vaping to be treated the same way as smoking. This would spell disaster for vapers and public health. Millions of vapers could be forced back to smoking due to flavour bans and other restrictions on the accessibility of vaping to the people that need it most.

For too long, lawmakers have ignored vapers’ opinions, meaning the most important voices – those of the consumer – and their lived experiences are missing and misunderstood. So when we have the opportunity to raise our voices, we need to take the chance. The EU Commission opened a public consultation, and you can participate till 17 June 2022. 


In order to participate, you only need to follow these steps: 

  1. Create an Account & chose your password
  2. Click “give feedback” 
  3. Choose your preferred language 
  4. Tell them your story and why they need to back vaping to beat smoking
    (If you need inspiration, check our sample message below & the WVA statement here.) 
  5. Optional: Attach our factsheet about vaping
  6. Trimite 

Our “Back Vaping. Beat Smoking” campaign ensures that the voices of the millions of vapers who have successfully quit smoking thanks to vaping are heard. We will deliver a clear message to all the decision-makers in the European Union and across the world: by backing vaping, we can beat smoking, and tens of millions of lives can be saved!



What you could send: 


My name is [INSERT HERE]. I am [INSERT HERE] years old and I am from [INSERT HERE]. 

I was smoking for [INSERT HERE] years and tried multiple times to quit.

I tried different methods of traditional nicotine replacement therapy, and unfortunately found all of these products did little to help my cravings for cigarettes. I decided it was time that I needed to give up.

Around his time, I was introduced to vaping and it changed my life. 

I am very proud to say that I am smoke free for [INSERT HERE] now.  I have found that my health has improved dramatically. Thanks to vaping I am able to stay away from cigarettes and it turned out that vaping flavours are essential for this. The variety of flavours allow me to not be reminded of the taste of cigarettes. 

Many other people around me gave up smoking because of vaping. I am highly grateful for this product that has been detrimental to my health, and I urge the policymakers to consider this. I strongly oppose any excessive regulations on vaping products. I urge policy makers to keep this effective smoking cessation tool available for everyone. 



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Vaping can save 200 million lives. 2022 is the year to make this opportunity a reality. Raise your voice. Join our campaign. 

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Vapoarea poate salva 200 de milioane de vieți, iar aromele joacă un rol cheie în a ajuta fumătorii să renunțe. Cu toate acestea, factorii de decizie vor să limiteze sau să interzică aromele, punând în pericol efortul nostru de a pune capăt deceselor cauzate de fumat.

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