With consumer-friendly nicotine regulations, millions of lives can be saved in Europe.
For too long, lawmakers have ignored vapers' opinions, silencing the most important voice: YOURS! But now we have the opportunity to be heard and we must take this chance.
The World Vapers' Alliance was established to defend vaping by providing a unified platform that makes vapers heard by those in the corridors of power.
See our ongoing campaigns.
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Organizațiile partenere din întreaga lume fac parte din WVA
Piese scrise despre munca noastră în mass-media.
Vrei să ne ajuți?
Alătură-te mișcării!
Mulți oameni încă nu știu că vaporizarea ar putea ajuta la salvarea vieților a 200 de milioane de fumători din întreaga lume. Ajută-ne să răspândim mesajul!
Madrid, 01.10.2024. The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) firmly rejects the Secretary of State for Health’s announcement regarding the ban on disposable vapes and flavours. Although these measures are presented as a way to curb …
Brussels, 16.09.2024 — The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) expresses grave concern over the EU Commission’s recommendation to include vaping in smoke-free environments. This would effectively equate vaping to smoking and ban it in places …
A recent Gallup poll revealed that cigarette smoking in the U.S. has dropped to a historic low of 11%, with only 6% of people under 30 reporting that they smoke. This significant decline is …
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Vaping communities from around the world have joined the WVA. Together, we make an impact by participating in public consultations, creating content, running campaigns and ensuring that vapers around the world have their voices represented.
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