With consumer-friendly nicotine regulations, millions of lives can be saved in Europe.

For too long, lawmakers have ignored vapers' opinions, silencing the most important voice: YOURS! But now we have the opportunity to be heard and we must take this chance.
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We are the World Vapers' Alliance
The World Vapers' Alliance amplifies the voice of passionate vapers around the world and empowers them to make a difference for their communities.

We unite over 120,000 vapers and 37 partner organisations worldwide.

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Ambassador Program
500 vape shops in over 30 countries around the world are already part of our ambassador program.

Find more information on how to join and get your spot on the Ambassador locator map.

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World Vapers' Alliance Campaigns
The World Vapers' Alliance was established to defend vaping by providing a unified platform that makes vapers heard by those in the corridors of power.

See our ongoing campaigns.

Has vaping changed your life?
Send a message to a member of the European Parliament

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Vaperi širom svijeta se bore s nama


Partnerske organizacije diljem svijeta dio su WVA


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Želite li nam pomoći?

Pridružite se pokretu!

Mnogi ljudi još uvijek ne znaju da bi Vaping mogao spasiti živote 200 milijuna pušača diljem svijeta. Pomozite nam da proširimo poruku!


17 July 2024, London – During today’s King’s Speech, King Charles announced the new government’s plans to “impose limits on the sale and marketing of vapes” by reintroducing an updated version of the Tobacco …

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Potpuno nova ažuriranja iz svijeta vapinga


Objavljujemo neke od naših najboljih sadržaja na Twitteru, održavamo ekskluzivne Spaces intervjue, dijelimo vijesti o vapingu iz cijelog svijeta i obavještavamo vas o najnovijim akcijama u kojima možete sudjelovati.

Evo kako možete pomoći!

Želiš li podijeliti, donirati ili volontirati da podržiš vaping? Saznajte više ovdje.

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Donate to our cause and help us to continue to amplify the voices of vapers. We will send you a thank you gift!

Want to learn more?

Get your facts straight about vaping and learn why we believe that vaping is worth fighting for.

Our Partners

Vaping communities from around the world have joined the WVA. Together, we make an impact by participating in public consultations, creating content, running campaigns and ensuring that vapers around the world have their voices represented.

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Use the interactive store locator map to search for WVA Ambassador partners near you.

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