With consumer-friendly nicotine regulations, millions of lives can be saved in Europe.

For too long, lawmakers have ignored vapers' opinions, silencing the most important voice: YOURS! But now we have the opportunity to be heard and we must take this chance.
Sign the Petition
We are the World Vapers' Alliance
The World Vapers' Alliance amplifies the voice of passionate vapers around the world and empowers them to make a difference for their communities.

We unite over 90,000 vapers and 35 partner organisations worldwide.

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Ambassador Program
490 vape shops in over 30 countries around the world are already part of our ambassador program.

Find more information on how to join and get your spot on the Ambassador locator map.

Itagħllem iżjed
World Vapers' Alliance Campaigns
The World Vapers' Alliance was established to defend vaping by providing a unified platform that makes vapers heard by those in the corridors of power.

See our ongoing campaigns.

Has vaping changed your life?
Send a message to a member of the European Parliament

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Vapers madwar id-dinja qed jiġġieldu magħna


Organizzazzjonijiet sħab madwar id-dinja huma parti mill-WVA


Biċċiet miktuba dwar il-ħidma tagħna fil-midja.

Trid tgħinna?

Ingħaqad mal-moviment!

Ħafna nies għadhom ma jafux li l-vaping jista’ jgħin biex isalva l-ħajjiet ta’ 200 miljun persuna li jpejpu madwar id-dinja. Għinna nxandru l-messaġġ!


Turin, 17.4.2024 – Turin’s city council has passed a new amendment to the urban police regulation, introducing significant restrictions on smoking and vaping. The amendment prohibits smoking or vaping near other people outdoors without …

Midja soċjali

Aġġornamenti ġodda fjamanti mid-dinja tal-vaping


Nippubblikaw xi wħud mill-aqwa kontenut tagħna fuq Twitter, nżommu intervisti esklussivi ta’ Spaces, naqsmu aħbarijiet dwar vaping minn madwar id-dinja u nżommuk infurmat bl-aħħar azzjonijiet li tista’ tipparteċipa fihom.

Hawn kif tista 'tgħin!

Ħsieb li taqsam, tagħti donazzjoni jew volontarjat biex tappoġġja l-vaping? Tgħallem aktar hawn.

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Agħti donazzjoni

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Want to learn more?

Get your facts straight about vaping and learn why we believe that vaping is worth fighting for.

Our Partners

Vaping communities from around the world have joined the WVA. Together, we make an impact by participating in public consultations, creating content, running campaigns and ensuring that vapers around the world have their voices represented.

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Use the interactive store locator map to search for WVA Ambassador partners near you.

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