

A European Plea for Harm Reduction

People Have Already Signed Our Petition


Every year, 700,000 lives are needlessly lost in the EU due to smoking-related diseases. As the EU reviews the Tobacco Products Directive, there’s a concerning push to restrict safer nicotine alternatives, further endangering lives. 

This isn’t just a petition; it’s a demand for the protection of harm-reduction products, which are vital for public health. Your support is more than valuable—it’s crucial for advocating sensible, life-saving policies.

At the end of this year we will submit the petition to the EU Parliament’s PETI committee.

Potpišite peticiju

Koristit ćemo informacije koje ste nam dali u ovom obrascu kako bismo vas kontaktirali u vezi s World Vapers’ Allianceom i problemima s vapingom. Za više detalja, pročitajte naš Politika privatnosti.

Every Life Counts

Combat Smoking Deaths with Proven Harm Reduction Strategies.

We’re clear in our demands and unwavering in our commitment. 

We’re calling for:

  • Preservation of Flavours: Rejecting Bans on Vaping Flavours
  • A Firm Commitment to Harm Reduction: Embracing Effective Strategies
  • Ensuring Affordability and Variety: Supporting Access to Safer Nicotine Alternatives for Adults
  • Risk-Based Regulation: Differentiate and Govern Nicotine Products by Their Harm

The time to act is NOW. With consumer-friendly nicotine regulations, millions of lives can be saved in Europe. We refuse to give up on them. Everyone deserves the right to choose a healthier life, and that’s what we’re fighting for. But we can’t do it alone.

Moramo djelovati ODMAH.

Povisi glas

Raise your voice, tell your story to a Member of the European Parliament, and join us in this critical fight. Every life counts, and together, we can make a difference.


Potpišite peticiju

Predugo su zakonodavci ignorirali mišljenja vejpera, ušutkujući najvažniji glas: VAŠ! Ali sada imamo priliku da nas se čuje i moramo je iskoristiti.

Stupite u kontakt s europarlamentarcima

Naša najveća snaga su naše osobne priče o tome kako pobijediti pušenje. Olakšali smo vam da svoju priču podijelite s kreatorima politika. Recite im zašto vaping ne bi trebali tretirati kao pušenje i zašto moramo štedjeti okuse!

Pridružite se WVA

Zajedno smo jači! Postanite član kako biste upoznali istomišljenike vejpera diljem svijeta i primali mjesečna ažuriranja od WVA, pristup ekskluzivnim informacijama, pozivnice na naše događaje i mogućnost pridruživanja WVA akademiji!

The upcoming update of the EU's Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) will determine the future of harm reduction, possibly threatening the most successful smoking cessation aid in history - unless we raise our voices!
