
New study reveals vaping is mistreated across the globe

A study on “Effective Anti-Smoking Policies” released at the beginning of November from the “We Are Innovation” Foundation found that out of the 59 countries analysed, ten ban vaping products, five ban heated tobacco products, eleven ban nicotine pouches and twenty-seven ban snus.

According to the research, the evidence from studies, articles, reports, and meta-analyses all agree that these products are substantially (95% to 98%) less toxic and harmful to health than tobacco consumed traditionally by combustion (whether in pipes, cigarettes or cigars). Meanwhile, the policymakers refuse to listen to science and continue introducing harsh regulations on these life-saving products. 

The report analyses and scores countries’ policies on alternative nicotine delivery products in 10 categories: regulatory framework, bans, flavours, packaging, display, advertisements/advertising, retail availability, online sales, taxes, and promotion of harm reduction. The analysis of all these categories allows an overview of the state of anti-smoking policies in each country.

The top ten countries are Switzerland, the UK (England), New Zealand, Slovakia, Ireland, France, Spain, Saudi Arabia, El Salvador and Sweden.

Source: https://weareinnovation.eu/effective-anti-smoking-policies-global-index/

The ten worst countries are: Russia, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Nicaragua, Mexico, Brazil, Panama, Uruguay, and Australia. 

Source: https://weareinnovation.eu/effective-anti-smoking-policies-global-index/

On Vaping:

According to the research, overall, vaping is treated poorly with respect to the promotion of Tobacco Harm Reduction, with 96.6% of countries not actively promoting the switch from combusted products to vapes. Additionally, 61% of countries analysed apply excise taxes. 40.7% do not allow online sales. 39% ban advertising. 37.3% ban retail displays in general. 30.5% require graphic health warnings or apply generic packaging. 

The research paper again confirms that: “Today, tobacco is the second leading risk factor for death globally after hypertension and the first for “drug” use”. Fifteen per cent of all global deaths are attributable to smoking, and about 20% of cancer deaths are tobacco-related, with smoking being the leading risk factor for lung, tracheal, and bronchial cancer. At the same time, innovative technology such as vaping and other alternative products make it unprecedentedly easy for people to quit smoking. 

European Union Tobacco Products Directive

While the European Union is discussing the update of the Tobacco Products Directive (where vaping is regulated as well), it’s important to keep in mind that daily smoking is most common in Europe and Asia: more than 20% of adults in most countries in these regions smoke daily – according to the research. While we all agree that smoking is one of humanity’s most significant health problems, politicians have one task – support harm reduction and save millions of lives. 

The World Vapers Alliance is dedicated to keeping vaping available and runs campaigns across Europe to make consumers’ voices heard. The World Vapers’ Alliance ‘Back Vaping. Beat Smoking’ campaign started in October 2022 and is still ongoing. Our key message is ‘don’t let 19 million lives fall’ across Europe. With this campaign, the WVA wants to let the world know that if policymakers embrace pro-vaping policies, they can save 19 million lives just in Europe. 

Suppose you care about the future of vaping.

In that case, you can still participate and sign the petition to support progressive regulations on vaping.

Podpisz petycję HERE

You can download the full report here



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E-papierosy mogą uratować 200 milionów ludzi, a aromaty odgrywają kluczową rolę w rzuceniu palenia. Jednak decydenci chcą ograniczyć aromaty, albo nawet całkowicie je zakazać, sprawiając, że nasze wysiłki na rzecz polożenia kresu zgonom związanych z paleniem mogą pójść na marne.

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