Stop The Ban: Safeguarding Harm Reduction in Bulgaria

Bulgaria stands at a critical crossroads. With the highest smoking rate in the EU at 37%, the country now faces a misguided decision to ban ALL vaping products – a proven tool for harm reduction and smoking cessation. This ban threatens to condemn millions to continued smoking-related illnesses.

The World Vapers’ Alliance is campaigning to stop this dangerous ban. The “Stop The Ban” campaign aims to educate policymakers and the public about the life-saving potential of vaping and the catastrophic consequences of prohibition.


Explore our resources below to learn more and join our fight to Stop The Ban:

Open Letter to Bulgarian MPs – English

Open Letter to Bulgarian MPs – Bulgarian

Persbericht – English

Persbericht – Bulgarian

Policy Brief – English

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Together, we can protect the right to harm reduction and pave the way for a healthier, smoke-free Bulgaria. Join us in urging the government to reconsider this ban and embrace evidence-based policies that save lives.



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Vapen kan 200 miljoen levens redden. 2022 is het jaar om deze kans werkelijkheid te maken. Laat uw stem horen. Doe mee met onze campagne. 

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Vapen kan 200 miljoen levens redden en smaken spelen een sleutelrol bij het helpen stoppen met roken. Beleidsmakers willen smaken echter beperken of verbieden, waardoor onze inspanningen om een einde te maken aan aan roken gerelateerde sterfgevallen in gevaar komen.

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