
Learning from the Best:
A Tobacco Harm Reduction Primer

Executive Summary

Countries like the United Kingdom and Sweden prove that lower smoking rates can be achieved with an open approach toward alternative nicotine products. Smoke-free goals can be reached if governments learn from the best, and most effective. Countries with a relatively high adoption of alternative nicotine products such as vaping, heated tobacco, nicotine pouches, and snus, generally lower smoking rates faster than other countries. It is time to learn from the best.



Michael Landl

Director at the World Vapers’ Alliance

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Vaping has the potential to ensure 200 million smokers quit forever, but governments must encourage and facilitate it as a cessation method Now more than ever, it is vital that vapers’ voices are heard. to low-risk nicotine products such as vaping.

C’est pourquoi nous menons notre campagne sur la route, en Europe et dans le monde entier. Nous devons nous assurer que ceux qui prennent les décisions clés qui affecteront NOS droits, NOTRE santé et NOTRE avenir, entendent NOTRE voix collective et le slogan “Soutenir le vapotage. Battre le tabagisme”.