Back Vaping.
Beat Smoking

Millions of vapers could be forced back to smoking

Here is why

Many politicians and anti-vaping voices are calling for vaping to be treated like traditional cigarettes. This would be a disaster for vapers and public health. Millions of vapers could be forced back to smoking due to flavour bans, increased taxes and other restrictions on the accessibility of vaping to the people who need it most.

Our "Back Vaping. Beat Smoking" campaign ensures that the voices of the millions of vapers who have successfully quit smoking through vaping are heard. We want to send a clear message to all politicians in the European Union and around the world: by supporting vaping, we can end smoking and save tens of millions of lives! 


Back Vaping now by signing our petition:

  • NO to flavour bans
  • NO to lower nicotine levels
  • NO to treating vaping like smoking
  • NO to higher taxation
  • YES to freedom of choice and health

What we need instead:
→ A clear commitment to harm reduction
→ Support of current smokers to switch to vaping
→ Affordability and variety of vaping products for adults

We delivered the first batch of signatures to politicians in the European Parliament in November 2022. But the fight is not over! We will keep fighting and collecting signatures for next year to make the politicians listen!

Hemen you can find our full proposal to politicians on how they can save 19 million lives with consumer-friendly vaping regulation.

Sinatu eskaera

Inprimaki honetan ematen duzun informazioa erabiliko dugu zurekin harremanetan jartzeko World Vapers' Alliance eta vaping arazoei buruz. Xehetasun gehiagorako, irakurri gure Pribatutasun-politika.

Don’t let 19 million lives fall! With consumer-friendly vaping regulations, 19 million lives can be saved in Europe – let’s not give up on them. Every individual deserves the right to choose, that’s what we’re fighting for.

ORAIN jokatu behar dugu.

Altxatu ahotsa

Tell your story to a Member of the European Parliament!

ORAIN EKINTU behar dugu

Sinatu eskaera

Luzeegi, legebiltzarkideek baperen iritziei jaramonik egin ez dietela, ahots garrantzitsuena isilaraziz: ZUREA! Baina orain entzunak izateko aukera dugu eta aukera hori aprobetxatu behar dugu.

Jarri harremanetan eurodiputatuekin

Gure indarrik handiena erretzeari buruzko gure istorio pertsonalak dira. Zure istorioa politika arduradunekin erraz partekatzea erraztu dizugu. Jakin iezaiezu zergatik ez duten bapapea erretzea bezala tratatu behar eta zergatik gorde behar ditugun zaporeak!

Sartu wva-n

Elkarrekin indartsuagoak gara! Egin zaitez kide mundu osoko pentsamolde antzekoak ezagutzeko eta WVAren hileroko eguneraketak jasotzeko, informazio esklusiborako sarbidea, gure ekitaldietarako gonbidapena eta WVA Akademian sartzeko aukera!

The upcoming update of the EU's Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) will determine the future of vaping, possibly threatening the most successful smoking cessation aid in history - unless we raise our voices!

Help us save flavours!

Gure azken kanpaina

Vaping 200 milioi bizitza salba ditzake eta zaporeek funtsezko eginkizuna dute erretzaileei uzten laguntzeko. Hala ere, arduradun politikoek zaporeak mugatu edo debekatu nahi dituzte, erretzearekin lotutako heriotzak amaitzeko gure ahalegina arriskuan jarriz.