
Vaping can save 200 million lives. 2021 is the year we can take this opportunity, or lose it forever.

ORAIN jokatu behar dugu.

Altxatu ahotsa

Sartu gure kanpainan


2021 is a critical year for vaping and public health. Global and European leaders will meet later this year to discuss how best to tackle smoking. The global COP 9 conference this November will set the direction for anti-smoking policies worldwide, while the EU’s ‘Tobacco Products Directive’ laws, currently being discussed, will act as the benchmark for vaping policies globally.

Many politicians and anti-vaping voices are calling for vaping to be treated the same as smoking, even though evidence shows vaping is less harmful. This would spell disaster for vapers and for public health. Millions of vapers may be forced back to smoking due to tax hikes, flavour bans, and other restrictions on vaping accessibility.

Sartu gure kanpainan

*Inprimaki honetan ematen duzun informazioa erabiliko dugu zurekin harremanetan jartzeko World Vapers' Alliance-ri eta bapatze-arazoei buruz. Xehetasun gehiagorako, irakurri gure Pribatutasun-politika.

ORAIN EKINTU behar dugu

We need global policy makers to see the evidence and the public health opportunity in vaping, and show them that vaping saves lives.

We need to ensure that these decision-makers understand the real-life stories of vapers who have been able to quit.

We need to deliver a clear message to Government leaders around the world: The best way we can beat smoking is to back vaping.

Vaping-ak mundua aldatzeko ahalmena du. Erretzaile ohi askorentzat dagoeneko hobera aldatu da haien bizitza. Orain behar duguna bizitzak salbatzen laguntzeko legea da.

Altxatu ahotsa:

Sartu gure kanpainan

Vaping-ak 200 milioi erretzailek betiko uztea bermatzeko ahalmena du, baina gobernuek uzteko metodo gisa bultzatu eta erraztu behar dute. Orain inoiz baino gehiago, ezinbestekoa da baperen ahotsa entzutea.

Horregatik, gure kanpaina errepidera ateratzen ari gara, Europan eta munduan zehar. Bermatu behar dugu GURE eskubideetan, GURE osasunean eta GURE etorkizunean eragingo duten erabaki gakoak hartzen dituztenek GURE ahots kolektiboa eta 'Back Vaping' entzuten dutela. Beat Smoking».