

Policy Primer

COP 10: an essential primer for the engaged citizen

Complete guide with everything you need to know about the World Health Organization, the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the Conference of the Parties and why you need to make your voice heard at COP10.

Policy Primer

COP 10: An Essential Primer for the engaged citizens

Policy Primer

Learning from the Best: A Tobacco Harm Reduction Primer

Erresuma Batua eta Suedia bezalako herrialdeek frogatzen dute erretze-tasa txikiagoak lor daitezkeela nikotina produktu alternatiboekiko ikuspegi ireki batekin. Erre gabeko helburuak lor daitezke gobernuek onenengandik eta eraginkorrenengandik ikasten badute. Nikotina produktu alternatiboen adopzio nahiko altua duten herrialdeek, hala nola, vaping, berotutako tabakoa, nikotina-poltsak eta snusa, orokorrean, erretze-tasa beste herrialde batzuek baino azkarrago jaisten dute. Onenengandik ikasteko garaia da.

Policy Primer

Onenengandik ikasten:
A Tobacco Harm Reduction

Policy Paper

Tobacco hard reduction and nicotine perceptions

Txosten honek Alemanian eta Frantzian kalteak murrizteari buruzko nazio mailako bi inkesten ondorioak aurkezten ditu. Txostenak mediku orokorrekin egindako 30 elkarrizketak eta Frantziako eta Alemaniako 862 erretzaileri egindako inkesta kuantitatibo batek osatzen du. Azterketa honen helburu nagusia lurrunketari buruzko pertzepzio okerrak, haien eraginaz eta haiei nola aurre egin ulertzea da.

In addition to our own research, we compiled a list of misperceptions around vaping and nicotine in several countries.

Policy Paper

Tabakoaren kalteak murriztea eta nikotinaren pertzepzioa


Kalteen murrizketa eta lurrunketa-fitxa

What is Harm Reduction? The goal of harm reduction is to reduce the adverse effects of a certain activity. Classic examples of harm reduction are seat belts or cycling helmets. They don’t make driving perfectly safe but reduce the potential harm drastically. The reason why they work is that they are practical. A total driving ban would decrease the risk of driving the most, but it is just unrealistic. That is why we try to make driving as safe as possible. Harm Reduction means putting practical solutions first instead of idealized goals which don’t work in practice.


Kalteen murrizketa eta lurrunketa-fitxa


Christmas Destinations For Vapers In 2022

Christmas is the perfect time to travel to another country. We can all agree that there’s nothing more exciting than discovering different countries during the holiday period. Meanwhile, considering sprawling regulations on vaping and alternative nicotine products worldwide, vapers should always carefully plan their travel.

The World Vapers’ Alliance’s research “Price Comparison of Vaping & Co in Europe” categorises and ranks 13 European countries based on some nicotine product availability and prices.


Christmas Destinations For Vapers In 2022

Policy Note

Stop the War on Nicotine

More than eight million people die each year due to smoking, with almost 99% of tobacco-related deaths caused by smoking — not from other forms of nicotine consumption. Reducing the number of smokers and allowing them to rapidly and efficiently switch to a less harmful alternative should be a major priority for governments and public health agencies worldwide. Unfortunately, too many people confuse nicotine consumption with the diseases caused by smoking. In this paper, we outline six main reasons why the war on nicotine is pointless and should stop.

Policy Note

Stop the War on Nicotine

Policy Directive

WVA's vaping products directive

The Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), which was adopted in 2014, includes provisions on the “manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products”

Currently, the EU is discussing the next TPD reform and how to include new nicotine alternatives. Unfortunately, it seems the EU aims to continue its hostile and unwarranted attack on vaping and other harm reducing products. Flavour bans, higher taxes and further restrictions are on the table.

Policy Directive

WVA's vaping products directive

Policy Paper


Vaping-a heldu eta nerabeentzat erretzeko ate bat dela salatu dute. Azterketa anitzek zigarro elektronikoen sinesgarritasuna ahuldu nahi izan dute uzteko tresna gisa, eta premiazkoa da Overton-en eztabaidaren leihoa aldatzea eta politika-arduradunek kontsumitzaileen ongizatea hobetzeko erabil dezaketen zientzia-oinarritutako ikuspuntu bat zehaztea. .

Artikulu honek "atebideko argudioaren" hainbat alderdi baztertu eta ikuspegi alternatibo bat eskaintzea du helburu bapapeak zergatik laguntzen dien ohiko erretzaileei tabako-kontsumo tradizional eta kaltegarritik aldentzen.

Policy Paper


Policy Paper

Tobacco hard reduction and nicotine perceptions

Txosten honek Alemanian eta Frantzian kalteak murrizteari buruzko nazio mailako bi inkesten ondorioak aurkezten ditu. Txostenak mediku orokorrekin egindako 30 elkarrizketak eta Frantziako eta Alemaniako 862 erretzaileri egindako inkesta kuantitatibo batek osatzen du. Azterketa honen helburu nagusia lurrunketari buruzko pertzepzio okerrak, haien eraginaz eta haiei nola aurre egin ulertzea da.

In addition to our own research, we compiled a list of misperceptions around vaping and nicotine in several countries.

Policy Paper

Tabakoaren kalteak murriztea eta nikotinaren pertzepzioa