
Dutch Government Launch Consultation on Flavour Bans

The Dutch government has launched yet another consultation on flavour bans… but this time it wants to go further than ever…

There are growing fears that new moves by the dutch government to bring in a flavour Ban could lead to the end of the entire vape industry in the Netherlands.

A public consultation on the move ended in September and all eyes are on what the politicians will do next. So many people are worried because the Dutch Ministry of Health wants to impose a limit of just 16 ‘approved’ substances which can be used to create flavours.

The European Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (ETHRA) says the move effectively represents a total vape ban for the country. ETHRA said:

“In real world terms this is essentially a stealth ban on all e-liquids.

“All current e-liquids on the market, including tobacco flavours, would be prohibited and new flavours would have to be developed using only the 16 approved substances.

“This wouldn’t be viable for any e-liquid manufacturer and would signal the end of the legal vaping market in the Netherlands and also set a very dangerous precedent for the rest of the EU.”


Read the full text here


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