
Die EU-Kommission begeht einen fatalen Fehler, indem sie das Dampfen mit dem Rauchen in einen Topf wirft.

Brussels, 16.09.2024 — The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) expresses grave concern over the EU Commission’s recommendation to include vaping in smoke-free environments. This would effectively equate vaping to smoking and ban it in places where smoking is prohibited.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, said:
The Commission is making a disastrous mistake by lumping vaping with smoking. This sends a dangerous message to millions of smokers who need vaping to quit. This falsely equates vaping with smoking, misleading millions into believing vaping is just as harmful when it’s actually 95% less harmful. There is virtually no second-hand vaping, and it is way less harmful than smoking. These recommendations will keep more people smoking and put public health at greater risk by equating vaping with smoking.”

The recommendations disregard evidence that secondhand vapour poses negligible health risks compared to secondhand smoke. By banning vaping in smoke-free areas, the EU also risks pushing vapers back to smoking, undermining years of progress in reducing smoking rates.

Alberto Gómez Hernández, Policy Manager at the World Vapers’ Alliance, added:
The Commission is outright misleading smokers by claiming vaping and smoking are the same. This blatant disregard for science and consumer choice ignores the facts. Allowing vaping in smoke-free areas could drive more smokers to switch, cutting smoking deaths across Europe. Instead, they’re blocking a proven harm-reduction tool and putting lives at risk.”

The World Vapers’ Alliance urges the EU Commission policymakers to reconsider their position and adopt an approach that reflects the scientific evidence and prioritises harm reduction.

Further information about the issue can be found Hier.


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Dampfen kann 200 Millionen Leben retten. 2022 ist das Jahr, in dem diese Chance Wirklichkeit wird. Erhebe deine Stimme. Mach mit bei unserer Kampagne. 

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Dampfen kann 200 Millionen Leben retten und Aromen spielen eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Raucherentwöhnung. Die politischen Entscheidungsträger wollen jedoch Aromen einschränken oder verbieten und setzen damit unsere Bemühungen, die durch das Rauchen verursachten Todesfälle zu beenden, aufs Spiel.

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