
Vape Taiwan joins World Vapers’ Alliance

We start 2021 on a positive note here at the WVA – we are proud to welcome a new partner, to reinforce our strong global presence and represent even better the voices of vapers worldwide.

As of now, Vape Taiwan joins the ranks of WVA partners, bringing the total number up to 21 so far.

VAPE Taiwan was established in 2017, which is the most influential Mandarin media for tobacco harm reduction industry (Vaping, Heated Tobacco Products and Nicotine Products). As the Tobacco Harm Reduction industry-leading Mandarin media, VAPE Taiwan collects, analyses, translates, and disseminates the latest international industry news, research, and national data to achieve the goal of Smoke-Free Taiwan.

We are looking forward to working together with Vape Taiwan in 2021 and beyond.

Welcome to the WVA family!


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Vaping can save 200 million lives. 2022 is the year to make this opportunity a reality. Raise your voice. Join our campaign. 

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O vaping pode salvar 200 milhões de vidas e os sabores desempenham um papel fundamental para ajudar os fumantes a parar de fumar. No entanto, os formuladores de políticas querem limitar ou banir os sabores, colocando em risco nosso esforço para acabar com as mortes relacionadas ao tabagismo.

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