
Survey confirms: Vaping Flavours Matter for Harm Reduction

Brussels, 12.09.2022. UM survey conducted by the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) among its members found that 97% of respondents prefer vaping flavours or a combination of flavours and tobacco taste. Additionally, higher taxation would push almost a third of vapers to the black market. The WVA urges politicians to listen to consumers and avoid regulations and bans, creating a public health disaster. 

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, said: 

“The survey among our members confirms what science has repeatedly proved: flavours are essential for people to quit smoking. Bans and high taxation only boost the black market and push many vapers back to smoking. It is time that politicians start listening to those most affected by their policies: the consumers!” 

Principais conclusões da pesquisa: 


  • Um número impressionante de 97% de entrevistados prefere sabores de vapor ou uma combinação de sabores e gosto de tabaco. Apenas 3% dizem que preferem tabaco. 
  • Se os sabores fossem proibidos: mais da metade dos vapers tentariam colocar seus sabores no mercado negro ou voltariam a fumar. 21% dizem que vaporizariam exclusivamente sabores de tabaco, e 16% acham que parariam de vaporizar. 

Aumento de impostos: 

  • Aumentos de impostos dividiriam o comportamento de consumo dos vapers: 
    • 31% would keep vaping like they are currently and pay the higher price;
    • 30% say they would vape less to make up for the increased price;
    • 28% would try to get their products on the black market.


  • Os vapers sentem que a mídia é unilateral e não é objetiva o suficiente ao cobrir o vaping. Um impressionante 75% classificou a cobertura da mídia em seus países como desfavorável.  

Regulamentação atual: 

  • Vapers evaluate the current regulatory framework similarly. 60% of respondents are dissatisfied with the current way vaping is treated by their governments.

The survey was conducted among members of the WVA. The total number of respondents was 415 in 36 countries. 

“These results show that those who can afford higher prices would pay the additional price and don’t change their behaviour. The worrying aspect is that for many vaping would become a luxury good, and almost a third would be pushed to the black market. Politicians must finally consider those unintended consequences when proposing new legislation”, acrescentou Landl.  

With the Tobacco Products Directive on the horizon, the WVA calls on the EU institutions to follow a risk-based approach to vaping. Future regulation must be based on science and the experience of millions of consumers. Less harmful products should be treated differently than cigarettes.



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Vaping pode salvar 200 milhões de vidas. 2022 é o ano para tornar essa oportunidade uma realidade. Levante sua voz. Junte-se à nossa campanha. 

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O vaping pode salvar 200 milhões de vidas e os sabores desempenham um papel fundamental para ajudar os fumantes a parar de fumar. No entanto, os formuladores de políticas querem limitar ou banir os sabores, colocando em risco nosso esforço para acabar com as mortes relacionadas ao tabagismo.

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