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What is the WVA Academy and Who is it For?

WVA Academy is a comprehensive course for anyone who wants to build the skills and knowledge essential to successfully advocate for vaping. Leaders of vaping associations and communities, passionate bloggers and those just starting out in vape advocacy are all encouraged to apply.

World Vapers’ Alliance Academy 2024

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What is the WVA Academy and Who is it For?

WVA Academy is a comprehensive course for anyone who wants to build the skills and knowledge essential to successfully advocate for vaping. Leaders of vaping associations and communities, passionate bloggers and those just starting out in vape advocacy are all encouraged to apply.

The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) is proud to announce the launch of WVA Academy 2024, an educational initiative aimed at empowering vaping advocates. This year, we are taking a significant step forward by hosting our first in-person event featuring a lineup of inspiring speakers. Set before the Global Forum on Nicotine (GFN) in Warsaw, Poland, the WVA Academy is an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen your advocacy efforts.

Event Details

  • Date: June 12, 2024, 16:30 PM Local TIme
  • Venue: Marriott Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland


The event is open to all activists, but due to limited availability, WVA partners will receive priority registration. Please sign up as soon as possible to ensure your participation.

Key Components and speakers of the WVA Academy

Policy Engagement: Navigate the complexities of policy-making to influence positive change

  • Rebecca Taylor – Health and science policy and advocacy leader with UK (4 nations), EU and international (WHO) experience. A passionate campaigner able to engage and influence at all levels who understands the importance of the patient and public voice. 

Media Engagement: Learn how to effectively communicate your message

  • Stephen Kent – Stephen Kent is a writer, media commentator, public speaking coach, and Public Relations Specialist for the Consumer Choice Center.

Why Attend?

Registration Form

  • Premier In-Person Learning: Experience live sessions and direct interactions with leading experts in harm reduction.
  • Strategic Timing: Maximise your opportunities for learning and networking by attending both the Academy and the GFN conference.

The WVA Academy is designed to be a learning experience for harm reduction advocates at all levels. Whether you’re new to the movement or have years of experience, our program offers valuable insights and skills to enhance your advocacy work.

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De World Vapers' Alliance is opgericht door en ontvangt financiering van het Consumer Choice Center. We verwelkomen financiering en donaties van partners en individuele donateurs. We zijn er trots op dat we volledig onafhankelijk zijn in ons werk. We zetten ons in om alleen de belangen van consumenten te vertegenwoordigen, hen in staat te stellen weloverwogen beslissingen te nemen over hun eigen gezondheid en te pleiten voor toegang van consumenten tot nicotineproducten met een laag risico, zoals vapen.