Venezuela Officials Place Ban on All Vaping Products

Venezuela has banned all vaping products. The country’s Ministry of People’s Power for Health issued a resolution this week prohibiting the manufacture, storage, distribution, circulation, commercialization, import, export, use, consumption, advertising, promotion, and sponsorship of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS).

Additionally, electronic non-nicotine delivery systems (ENNS), consumables, tanks or cartridges, refill consumable containers and other accessories are also banned, according to an emailed press release.

Venezuela joins Argentina i Brazil in banning vaping products in South America.

The decision comes two months after Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro asked his government’s medical and scientific team to consider the ban. According to the Ministry of Health, “the measure is taken in response to the alerts promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO).”

Alberto Gomez, community manager for Spain and Latin America for the World Vapers’ Alliance, said the ban on reduced harm products in Venezuela is a setback for public health.

“Thousands of Venezuelans had already quit traditional tobacco thanks to vaping and had managed to improve their health,” he said. “Now they will have difficulty accessing the products, and it will be more difficult for more smokers to switch to less harmful alternatives. Venezuela should follow the example of countries like Sweden or the United Kingdom, which are on the way to eradicating smoking, not the WHO’s biased and paternalistic approach.”

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