Allison Boughner Chats To Ecigclick!!

In our latest “THR Superstar” interview I got to chat with the lovely Allison Boughner to find out more about her and her views on THR (Tobacco Harm Reduction).

Allison is the Vice President of the AVM (American Vapor Manufacturers Association), the President of the SCVA (South Carolina Vapor Association) and also a Fellow of the WVA (World Vapers’ Alliance).

You can also catch her on the Wednesday Night Live podcast and often she will write guest articles or make appearances as a speaker to discuss THR.

I first became aware of Allison when I was part of the WVA Academy programme. She was a guest speaker and I was impressed by her passion to get the Harm Reduction message across.

Tell me a little about your life and career so far…

I started smoking at 15, and started trying to quit in my early 20’s. With my constant stress, and back and forth with why I “didn’t need to quit” at 30 I was diagnosed with a blood clot in my right leg. My son at the time was 4, it was a big reality check for me.

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Vaping može spasiti 200 milijuna života. 2022. je godina kada treba ovu priliku pretvoriti u stvarnost. Povisi glas. Pridružite se našoj kampanji. 

Pridružite nam se

Vaping može spasiti 200 milijuna života, a okusi igraju ključnu ulogu u pomaganju pušačima da prestanu pušiti. Međutim, kreatori politike žele ograničiti ili zabraniti okuse, dovodeći naše napore da zaustavimo smrtne slučajeve povezane s pušenjem u opasnost.


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