
Consumers condemn WHO’s proposed ban on flavoured vapes

Consumer body World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) has vehemently criticised the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) demand for a ban on vaping flavours.

“The WHO’s latest stance on vaping flavours is not just misguided, it’s dangerously out of touch with scientific reality,” Michael Landl, WVA director, said.

“By pushing for a blanket ban, the WHO blatantly disregards a wealth of scientific evidence that underscores the benefits of vaping when compared to alternatives. Flavoured e-cigarettes have been proven to increase the chances of successful smoking cessation by 230 per cent compared to non-flavored alternatives. It’s appalling to see such a pivotal public health tool being dismissed by an organisation that should be at the forefront of harm reduction.”

The WHO has on Thursday urged governments to treat e-cigarettes similarly to tobacco and ban all flavours.

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