
Scotland proposes generational vape ban

The Scottish government said it is considering increasing the age of sale of vapes, along with the generational smoking ban currently under consultation by the UK government.

In its new Tobacco and Vaping Framework published on Thursday, the government added that it will continue to progress restrictions on further tightening the rules on advertising and promotion of vapes, based on the outcome of its 2022 consultation.

The Framework also proposes possible further restrictions on vaping products depending on the outcome of the UK wide consultation, which the Scottish government is part of.

“The current UK-wide consultation is currently focused on raising the age of sale of tobacco only. As part of the first implementation plan we will consider whether any potential raise in age of sale of tobacco should be introduced alongside an increase in the age of sale of vapes,” the Framework reads.

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Vaping može spasiti 200 milijuna života, a okusi igraju ključnu ulogu u pomaganju pušačima da prestanu pušiti. Međutim, kreatori politike žele ograničiti ili zabraniti okuse, dovodeći naše napore da zaustavimo smrtne slučajeve povezane s pušenjem u opasnost.


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