Biden’s Cancer Plan Misses the Mark by Overlooking Tobacco Harm Reduction

As President Joe Biden unveils an ambitious plan to cut the cancer death rate in half over the next 25 years, the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) calls on the Biden Administration to join countries like the United Kingdom and Sweden in prioritize tobacco harm reduction.The President’s cancer moonshot initiative aims to reduce smoking rates, but the WVA argues that it could be far more effective by embracing less harmful alternatives to smoking, such as vaping.

Michael Landl, Director of the WVA, states, If President Biden is serious about beating cancer, then embracing tobacco harm reduction is not just an option, it’s a necessity. Sweden and the United Kingdom are leading examples that have proven the effectiveness of vaping and other less harmful products in reducing smoking rates. Instead of fighting less harmful alternatives, the Biden Administration needs to embrace vaping as a smoking cessation aid.

The administration plans to invest $15 million in smoking cessation programs targeting menthol and flavored tobacco use. Landl suggests, “While these funds aim to reduce smoking among marginalized groups, their impact would be more significant if it included harm-reducing alternatives.

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