
WVA welcomes THR Sierra Leone as its new partner!

World Vapers’ Alliance is thrilled to welcome THR Sierra Leone among its partners!

The main aim of THR Sierra Leone is to help smokers quit, raise awareness of the health risks associated with smoking, and introduce safer nicotine alternatives to conventional tobacco users.

The organisation helps smokers mitigate the health risks associated with conventional smoking and, by delivering honest and accurate information, allows consumers to switch to less harmful harm-reduction products. 

“Vaping faces different challenges globally, so the voices of vapers must be heard worldwide. We are thrilled to welcome THR Sierra Leone on board and unite our forces to defend vaping in Sierra Leone, Africa and globally,” – said WVA’s community manager Liza Katsiashvili.

To read more about THR Sierra Leone, please visit:  www.thr-sl.com 



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