On 30 May 2022, a global consumer group World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) will take part in its third annual World Vape Day, just one day before WHO’s World No Tobacco Day. The choice of the date is not coincidental and is set to showcase that vaping and other harm reduction tools are one of the most efficient ways to help smokers quit.

Together, we want to tell the world that millions of smokers have already made the switch to vaping and to a better life, and we call on advocates and consumers to raise their voices, promote vaping and help current smokers to switch as well. We have seen many unfounded attacks on vaping by the WHO and with World Vape Day we want to counter this misinformation,” said the Director of World Vapers’ Alliance, Michael Landl.

The theme of this year’s World Vape Day is set around celebrating harm reduction as vaping is one of the most effective smoking cessation tools. The event’s program covers conversations with harm reduction experts, testimonials from vaping activists from around the world, and features many different campaigns around the issue of vaping of the WVA.

“World Vape Day is a special occasion for our global community to come together and celebrate vaping as a tool that helped so many people change their lives for the better. On this day we can all raise our voices and tell politicians that vaping saves lives,” said WVA’s community manager, Liza Katsiashvili.


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