WVA’s response to the consultation in Australia

The World Vapers’ Alliance recently submitted its response to the proposal on the potential reforms to the regulation of nicotine vaping products (NVPs) in Australia carried out by the The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Nicotine vaping products are a subject to prescription-only purchase in Australia and can be prescribed by the relevant health practitioners to the patients. The proposal entailed even stricter impositions on vaping, including heavier import regulations, flavour bans and restrictions on nicotine concentration levels. 

As a consumer organisation that represents over 55 thousand vapers and 32  associations worldwide, we consider it our duty to confront such initiatives and remind policymakers that to save lives, they need to endorse vaping rather than fight it. 

Our recommendations include:

  • A clear commitment to the concept of harm reduction; 
  • Encourage current smokers to switch to e-cigarettes like the governments of France, the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand; 
  • Guarantee access to vaping products for adults and prevent flavour bans;
  • Risk-based regulation and taxation.

Please, find the full response HERE.

Vaping can save more than 600 thousand lived in Australia and is a life-saving innovation that policymakers should embrace as a smoking cessation method. The only sensible way to encourage high smoking quit rates is to make vaping products accessible as consumer goods for adults. Therefore, we highly encourage the Australian government to consider the arguments stated in our response and evidence and drop potential restrictions on adult vaping.


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