
DIRETA Joins the World Vapers’ Alliance!

The World Vapers’ Alliance has a new partner!  DIRETA

DIRETA – The Information Directory for Tobacco Harm Reduction is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation formed by nicotine users, health professionals, representatives from the legal, social and environmental fields. It aims to discuss issues related to smoking without moral judgment, involving all actors interested in this debate. The president of DIRETA, journalist and former smoker Alexandro Lucian said:

“We want to reduce the impact that cigarette consumption has on health, which ends up costing dearly in financial resources and, above all, in lives.

We defend a non-ideological debate, based on scientific reality, combating misinformation that ends up stigmatizing smokers, instead of welcoming and offering less harmful alternatives to nicotine consumption, which have already proven effective in reducing damage and saving lives.”

One of DIRETA’s main areas of action will be the dissemination of scientific content that encourages practices with a lower health risk, considering strategies based on abstinence to harm reduction.

The group also wants to dialogue with public authorities to ensure the participation of people who use nicotine in the definition of public policies on tobacco consumption and its interfaces.

The World Vapers’ Alliance is thrilled to welcome new partners and fight side by side to support consumers right to vape!

More information about DIRETA is available at: www.direta.org


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