
With progressive vaping regulations, 19 million lives can be saved in Europe1 . However, some policymakers are trying to stall this life-saving technology. The upcoming reform of the EU’s Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) will determine the future of vaping, possibly threatening the most successful smoking cessation aid2 we have seen in centuries and the health of the public.

What is TPD?

The Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), which was adopted in 2014, includes provisions on the “manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products” (European Commission, 2021). Starting in May 2016, the European Union applied the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) regulations, which included restrictions to advertising and new safety and labeling standards for e-cigarette products. Currently, the EU is discussing the next TPD reform and how to include new nicotine alternatives. Unfortunately, it seems the EU aims to continue its hostile and unwarranted attack on vaping and other harm reducing products. Flavour bans, higher taxes and further restrictions are on the table. Therefore, the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) drafted its own “Vaping Products Directive” (VPD). VPD is based on scientific evidence and harm reduction policies. It aims to show policy-makers the most effective approach towards vaping regulations.

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Deltag i vores kampagne

Vaping har potentialet til at sikre, at 200 millioner rygere holder op for altid, men regeringer skal opmuntre og facilitere det som en stopmetode Nu mere end nogensinde er det afgørende, at dampernes stemmer bliver hørt. til lavrisiko nikotinprodukter såsom vaping.

Det er derfor, vi tager vores kampagne ud på vejen, på tværs af Europa og rundt om i verden. Vi er nødt til at sikre, at de, der træffer de vigtigste beslutninger, som vil påvirke VORES rettigheder, VORES helbred og VORES fremtid, hører VORES kollektive stemme og 'Back Vaping'. Beat Smoking.'