On Monday, May 30, the vaping community worldwide will be celebrating harm reduction efforts around the globe. The choice of date is not coincidental and falls just one day before the World No Tobacco Day proclaimed by the WHO: precisely to showcase that vaping and other harm reduction tools are one of the most efficient ways to help smokers quit. In our latest paper, we highlighted nine reasons for celebrating harm reduction, download it here.

The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) will host hours of live streaming with the top names in vaping activism and tobacco harm reduction. Additionally, partner organisations of the WVA  from South Africa, Brazil, Portugal, Chile, Colombia, Taiwan, Canada, Kenya, and Costa Rica will join the stream to speak about their regional achievements in the fight for vaping. We will be streaming live on Facebook, Youtube and on our website.




Help us spread the word! 

For this, we prepared the folder where you can find ALL materials – and they are free to use for everyone! 

WVD Promo Materials folder includes General Graphics, Reasons to celebrate harm reduction, Speakers Graphics, and a Press Release.


General Graphics

You can download graphics for World Vape Day and use them on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. 

Sample Texts for the social media posts are zde.

Reasons to Celebrate Harm Reduction

You can see the graphics and text in English, Portuguese, and Spanish in this folder

Graphics could be in the Instagram carousel/Twitter thread / Facebook post or shared separately. 


You can find the graphics for the speaker’s promotion in this folder

Tisková zpráva

Feel free to use press release text for the promotion and the graphics. 


#WVD22 #worldvapeday #WVD2022

You can access the promo materials HERE



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Jednejte hned!

Vaping může zachránit 200 milionů životů. Rok 2022 je rokem, kdy se tato příležitost stane skutečností. Zvyšte svůj hlas. Připojte se k naší kampani. 

Přidejte se k nám

Vaping může zachránit 200 milionů životů a příchutě hrají klíčovou roli v pomoci kuřákům přestat kouřit. Tvůrci politik však chtějí omezit nebo zakázat příchutě, čímž ohrožují naše úsilí ukončit úmrtí související s kouřením.

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