20 Harm-Reduction Lessons the FCTC should take note of

Executive Summary

As the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) celebrates its 20th anniversary, it’s crucial to reflect on the evolving landscape of tobacco control. While the aim to reduce and eventually eradicate smoking is laudable, the FCTC’s outdated and dogmatic approach to tobacco control has become a significant obstacle to public health progress. Its stubborn refusal to acknowledge the potential of harm-
reduction strategies, particularly vaping, nicotine pouches, and heat-not burn products, has not only hindered smoking cessation efforts but has likely cost millions of lives.

As we look towards the next decade of tobacco control, it’s time for the FCTC to learn from these experiences and incorporate harm-reduction more fully into its framework. By doing so, we can accelerate progress towards a smoke-free future and save millions of lives.

Our new report “Rethinking Tobacco Control: 20 Harm-Reduction Lessions The FCTC Should Take Note Of” examines the missed opportunities and highlights 20 crucial lessons that could accelerate progress towards a smoke-free world.

Key Takeaways

Countries adopting harm reduction see faster declines in smoking rates

  • Vaping and nicotine pouches are proving highly effective for smoking cessation
  • The FCTC’s stance on harm reduction is costing lives
  • Civil society and consumers must be included in tobacco control policy discussions

Read the full Report

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The government is discussing tightening e-cigarette regulations in which menthol and thus many flavors could be banned. This not only threatens consumer choice, but also poses a threat to minimizing the risk of nicotine product consumption and thereby advancing public health.

Let’s give smokers in Germany the chance to live a smoke-free life!