
The WVA’s #BackVapingBeatSmoking Campaign Kicks Off in Strasbourg

The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) is at it again. Following the launch of its first campaign in the Summer of 2021, it is once again touring Europe to spread the message that vaping can save millions of lives, this time kicking off in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

First launched in the Summer of 2021 when the WVA unveiled a new graffiti mural outside the European Parliament at the European with a clear message: 19 million lives could be saved in Europe by endorsing vaping.

At the time, the launch was attended by a number of vapers around Europe and MEP Peter Liese. Director of the WVA Michael Landl, highlighted the potential of vaping products. “Vaping has the potential to save 19 million lives in Europe. Tomorrow, the Beating Cancer Committee in the European Parliament (BECA) meets to discuss proposals to reduce the harm caused by smoking tobacco. They have the opportunity to make history and save lives IF they back vaping as a tool to beat smoking. Our message to them is clear – choose science and save lives”.

The WVA presented its suggested “Vaping Products Directive”

Meanwhile, on kicking off the campaign this time round, WVA representatives met with several Members of the European Parliament to present their “Vaping Products Directive” showing how vaping can be used as a tool to fulfil its full potential for public health. This was accompanied by an art installation titled, “Don’t Let 19 Million Lives Fall”, a message that will spread across ten cities within six countries between October and November 2022.


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Vapatul poate salva 200 de milioane de vieți. 2022 este anul în care această oportunitate devine realitate. Ridică vocea. Alăturați-vă campaniei noastre. 


Vapoarea poate salva 200 de milioane de vieți, iar aromele joacă un rol cheie în a ajuta fumătorii să renunțe. Cu toate acestea, factorii de decizie vor să limiteze sau să interzică aromele, punând în pericol efortul nostru de a pune capăt deceselor cauzate de fumat.

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