
Newly Announced EU Health Strategy Fails to Include Tobacco Harm Reduction

Today the EU Commission (EC) announced in its “Global Health Strategy” which aims to“prioritise tackling the root causes of ill health”, yet fails to tackle smoking by incorporating tobacco harm reduction methods.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA), which has recently launched its second European campaign to educate about the potential of vaping for smoking cessation, highlighted that sadly the EC is ignoring the science about vaping.

“The EU Commission is ignoring science and consumer voices again. Tobacco harm reduction must become a key element of all health policies for the EU. Seven hundred thousand people die each year due to smoking, and at the same time, the Commission fights against less harmful alternatives. The science is clear: vaping is far less harmful than smoking and is one of the most effective smoking cessation aids. Consumers demand the Commission to accept this reality finally.”

The World Vapers’ Alliance recently delivered a petition signed by over 4,000 EU citizens to the Members of Parliament and voiced their concerns about the general negative attitude towards vaping. The document asked the EU to embrace tobacco harm reduction and refrain from harsh restrictions that deter smokers from switching to the safer alternatives.


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