
Ban on Disposable Vapes: A Reckless Gift to the Illegal Market

London, 24.10.2024 – The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) criticises the UK government’s push to ban disposable vapes, calling it a misguided policy that threatens to undermine public health and disproportionately harm the most vulnerable.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, stated:

“Labour’s plan to ban disposable vapes is a reckless attack on harm reduction. This decision will hurt those who need help the most—current smokers looking for safer alternatives. By driving disposable vapes off the shelves, the government is handing the market over to illegal actors. It’s shocking that a Labour government, claiming to stand for the working class, is pushing a policy that will hit the poor hardest and make it harder for them to quit smoking.

Cercetare from UCL and King’s College London shows that banning disposable vapes could stall progress in reducing smoking rates in the UK. Such a ban may slow the decline in smoking prevalence, jeopardising the health of 2.6 million people who rely on vaping to stay off cigarettes.

“This policy is not just a step back—it’s a dangerous move that could push current vapers back to smoking or into the black market, undoing years of harm reduction efforts and widening health inequalities,” added Landl. “The government should be promoting harm reduction, not crushing it under the weight of misguided legislation.”


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