
The UK’s Ongoing Public Consultation on Phasing Out Smoking And Teen Vapi …

The UK government has already received over 12,000 responses in its public consultationon plans to create a smoke-free generation and tackle teen vaping. The proposed historic law aims to prohibit the sale of cigarettes to children aged 14 and under in England, by making it illegal for individuals born on or after January 1, 2009, to purchase tobacco products.

An astounding £70 million would be allocated to support local stop smoking services across the country. This funding, is more than double the current amount, and would provide one-to-one and group stop smoking sessions, accurate information, advice, and access to quit aids.

The initiative aligns with the government’s goal of phasing out smoking, while addressing rising concerns about the increased popularity of vaping among children. Open until December 6th, the consultation seeks public input on plans to reduce the appeal and availability of vapes to children, including proposals for on-the-spot fines for underage tobacco and vape sales. While the government’s guidance to local authorities emphasizes utilizing the funding to enhance capacity, support effective interventions, and collaborate with existing schemes like Swap to Stop, which offers a million smokers a free vaping starter kit.

The move aligns with the King’s Speech announcement on the introduction of the Tobacco and Vapes Bill and reflects the government’s commitment to creating a smoke-free generation. Cancer Research UK, Asthma + Lung UK, and Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) expressed support for the legislation, emphasizing the potential impact on smoking prevalence and preventing the next generation from tobacco addiction.

Leia o texto completo aqui.


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Vaping pode salvar 200 milhões de vidas. 2022 é o ano para tornar essa oportunidade uma realidade. Levante sua voz. Junte-se à nossa campanha. 

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O vaping pode salvar 200 milhões de vidas e os sabores desempenham um papel fundamental para ajudar os fumantes a parar de fumar. No entanto, os formuladores de políticas querem limitar ou banir os sabores, colocando em risco nosso esforço para acabar com as mortes relacionadas ao tabagismo.

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