
11 things you can do to advocate vaping

How to Take Action When Public Health Ignores Scientific Evidence

When public health authorities or institutions appear to be ignoring scientific evidence or failing to address public health concerns adequately, it can be frustrating and challenging. Here are some steps you can consider taking to address this issue:

  1. Advocate for Transparency and Accountability:
    • Demand transparency in the decision-making process and ask for access to the data and evidence that informs public health decisions.
    • Encourage public health officials to explain their reasoning and the basis for their recommendations to the public.
  2. Engage in Civil Discourse:
    • Open lines of communication with public health officials, organizations, or government agencies.
    • Politely and respectfully express your concerns, share scientific research, and ask questions to understand their perspective.
  3. Mobilize Public Opinion:
    • Raise awareness within your community and on social media about the issues you’re concerned about.
    • Educate the public about the relevant scientific evidence and its implications.
  4. Leverage Advocacy Groups:
    • Join or support advocacy groups like the WVA e CASAA, non-governmental organizations, or grassroots movements that share your concerns and are working to influence public health policy.
  5. Work with Experts:
    • Collaborate with scientists, researchers, and experts who can help gather and present scientific evidence to support your position.
    • Consider writing letters or petitions with expert endorsements.
  6. Media Outreach:
    • Engage with journalists and media outlets to bring attention to the issue.
    • Write op-eds, letters to the editor, or appear on relevant programs to discuss the science and your concerns.
  7. Legal Action:
    • In extreme cases, legal action might be an option. You can consult with legal experts to explore whether there are grounds for legal challenges.
  8. Advocate for Policy Change:
    • Engage with local, state, or federal policymakers to advocate for changes in public health policies or to create new ones based on scientific evidence.
  9. Support Research and Data Collection:
    • If you believe there is a gap in research or data collection that’s hindering informed decision-making, support or advocate for initiatives to address these gaps.
  10. Vote and Participate in Elections:
    • Use your right to vote and encourage others to do the same to elect officials who prioritize science-based public health policies.
  11. Patience and Persistence:
    • Change can be slow, and public health decisions can be influenced by many factors. Be persistent in your efforts and continue to push for change.


It’s essential to approach this situation with patience and a commitment to constructive dialogue. Keep in mind that public health decisions are often complex, influenced by various factors, and may involve difficult trade-offs. Advocating for science-based decisions is crucial, advocacy is essential for fostering positive change.  Advocacy holds governments and other institutions accountable for their actions. It helps shine a spotlight on unethical or harmful practices, leading to greater transparency and responsibility. 

If you vape, advocate.


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O vaping pode salvar 200 milhões de vidas e os sabores desempenham um papel fundamental para ajudar os fumantes a parar de fumar. No entanto, os formuladores de políticas querem limitar ou banir os sabores, colocando em risco nosso esforço para acabar com as mortes relacionadas ao tabagismo.

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