
The Truth About Vaping with Dr. Bernd Mayer

In this episode of “Vaping Unplugged,” we bring you an insightful conversation with our special guest, Professor Bernd Mayer. Join us as we dive deep into the truth about vaping and debunk the arguments put forth by anti-vaping campaigners. As a renowned Professor of Pharmacology, Professor Mayer sheds light on the scientific evidence surrounding vaping and its potential benefits. Tune in to gain a comprehensive understanding of this controversial topic and discover the real facts about vaping. Don’t miss out on this thought-provoking episode of “Vaping Unplugged” with Dr. Bernd Mayer, where we separate fact from fiction in the world of vaping.


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E-papierosy mogą uratować 200 milionów ludzi, a aromaty odgrywają kluczową rolę w rzuceniu palenia. Jednak decydenci chcą ograniczyć aromaty, albo nawet całkowicie je zakazać, sprawiając, że nasze wysiłki na rzecz polożenia kresu zgonom związanych z paleniem mogą pójść na marne.