
Few MEPs consider that new nicotine products should be more restricted

02.03.2023, Brussels, Belgium — Today, ECigIntelligence released their third annual survey among Members of the European Parliament about their views on nicotine products. The 2022 survey results come out a week after the EU Commission released the second public consultation for the review of the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD).

According to the survey, a small majority of MEPs believe nicotine containing products are less harmful than smoking, while a number of policymakers who believe them to be as harmful as smoking has decreased by 6%. A quarter of respondents are still lacking knowledge of the nature of the products and risk levels.

Michael Landl, director of the World Vapers’ Alliance commented on the survey results:

“We celebrate that more and more legislators become aware of harm reduction benefits to smoking cessation. However, the survey also shows that there is a big pull of MEPs who lack a fundamental knowledge about tobacco harm reduction, and yet they will determine the future of the tobacco legislation for years to come. The myths about vaping and nicotine have gotten in the way of embracing harm reduction by many governments. How can we expect that sensible regulation based on the risk-based approach is adopted if more than half of MEPs have no knowledge or a misguided perception about smoking alternatives?”

World Vapers’ Alliance has recently released the Policy Primer that features case studies of the most successful countries that have embraced alternative products as a means of combating traditional smoking. These include the United Kingdom and Sweden among others.

“Sweden is the only European country that is close to achieving a 5% smoke-free goal. And the reason for such success is that Swedish legislators listen to consumers and support harm reduction through properly regulated snus and an open attitude towards vaping. Together with the network of vaping advocacy organisations, we keep spreading awareness about the positive role of nicotine products in Europe and beyond. We hope that EU politicians will follow the example and become a global harm reduction leader,” dodał Landl.

The WVA has also published an Harm reduction fact sheet containing relevant academic and scientific research on all topics surrounding nicotine products, including effects of vaping and nicotine, taxation, and flavours. The fact sheet can be accessed Tutaj.


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