
WVA’s #BackVapingBeatSmoking campaign hits the road again

World Vapers’ Alliance’s #BackVapingBeatSmoking campaign urges politicians to embrace harm reduction and vaping

05.10.2022 Strasbourg, France — As kick-off for the #BackVapingBeatSmoking campaign, the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) delivered the message that vaping can save 19 million lives in Europe to the European Parliament. Representatives of the WVA met with several Members of the European Parliament to present their “Vaping Products Directive” to show how vaping needs to be treated to fulfil its full potential for public health. Additionally, the WVA unveiled a protest art installation in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

World Vapers’ Alliance unveiled a protest art installation in front of the European Parliament building in Strasbourg 

The campaign launches as the EU-wide tobacco legislation, Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), is being reviewed by European legislators. The World Vapers’ Alliance has participated in the Openbare oproep van de Europese Commissie om bewijsmateriaal te verzamelen to speak out against flavour bans and excessive regulation. Now, the WVA amplifies voices of the European vaping community in Strasbourg and across Europe to help acknowledge vaping as an effective harm reduction tool with a potential to save the lives of 19 million smokers in Europe. 

Michael Landl, director of the World Vapers’ Alliance said:

“By backing vaping we can beat smoking and save 19 million lives with sensible regulation. The EU call for evidence has seen a record number of 24,000 responses, showing that consumers want to embrace tobacco harm reduction, and it happens that vaping has been proven one of the most successful so far. The EU needs to put an end to current discussions about flavour bans and vaping must be kept affordable and accessible. It is time for the EU to fully endorse tobacco harm reduction and to make vaping a centre piece of it.”

De campagne launched today in Strasbourg, France with a Don’t Let 19 Million Lives Fall protest art installation and will spread to ten cities in six countries during October – November 2022.

“We will host community events and protests in France, Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal and Belgium to draw attention to one of the most crucial pieces of legislation for the future of vaping. It is time for politicians to listen to consumers and science,” said WVA’s director, Michael Landl.

WVA heeft ook een verzoekschrift against harmful vaping regulations such as flavour bans, or high taxation on vaping products. The signatures will be delivered to Members of the European Parliament at the end of the tour in November.

World Vapers’ Alliance at the European Parliament in Strasbourg


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