Partner Spotlight: Carmine Canino, ANPVU (Italy)

In our Partner Spotlight series, we shine a light on the WVA’s outstanding partners. They all advocate for the rights of vapers in their countries.

This week, we are speaking with Carmine Canino, the president of WVA’s newest member, ANPVU Italy. He tells us all about his exceptional story of quitting smoking and why it’s crucial that vapers throughout Europe and the world are more active than ever in 2021 and beyond. What is your vaping story? When and why did you start to vape? How has it improved your life?

I started smoking for fun as a teenager and by the age of 37, I was smoking nearly two packs a day. I realized I had to do something, so in 2015 I tried nicotine patches, but to no avail.

Then everything changed. Over a business dinner, two of my friends gave me an electronic cigarette that helped them stop smoking permanently. So I decided to try it myself by going to a  specialized vape shop in my city, where an honest and friendly shop owner spoke to me about the value of e-cigarettes for people trying to quit smoking. He explained to me all about nicotine concentrations and advised me on how I should start based on my cigarette consumption. I took his advice. In my opinion, contacting a reliable shop that will guide and advise you for the first time is fundamental.

And so began my great vaping adventure. For the first nine months, I vaped but also smoked. In the ninth month, I had my last cigarette and haven’t looked back since. Within a few months, I started to breathe better, my smell and taste were significantly better, and my life was certainly improving. I am still smoke-free six years later and thank myself for having made the right decision.

ANPVU is the only Italian association representing e-cigarette consumers
. We defend all Italian vapers’ interests and fight for them. We inform and guide them on the science behind vaping and highlight vaping as the most efficient way to quit smoking. We also provide support to those wishing to quit smoking.

Vaping is an incredibly efficient method to quit smoking and reduce tobacco harm. Part of our mission is to tell that to the Italian public and make the case for vaping as a solution. It is important for us to develop constructive dialogue with institutions, administrations and authorities that work on regulating the products our members consume.

In the coming months, key challenges for the future of vaping await us such as Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, the revision of the European Tobacco Products Directive, as well as the discussion on the Tobacco Tax Directive. This is why it is important to join forces and focus on cooperation between European and global associations to make our voice heard clearly. We hope this is the start of a long and fruitful partnership with the Wereld Vapers' Alliantie.

With this partnership, the voice of Italian vapers will be even more powerful. Vaping’s future depends on making sure that politicians no longer ignore us.

At a time when vaping is going through such a critical period, vapers should join our fight, to see our rights protected. We all need to get out of our “bubble” and start talking to smokers about the benefits of vaping. By doing so we can help save the lives of 13 million Italians who still smoke. We need to communicate more and we need to communicate better. Fortunately, each of us has a very compelling and personal story about how vaping changed and saved our lives.

ANPVU has already asked its members to support the Back Vaping. Beat Smoking campaign. 
Now more than ever, vaping is in serious danger, so we must act immediately!

In view of the decisive future challenges I mentioned earlier, I believe that we vapers have the right to make our voices heard by lawmakers, reminding them that vaping can save 200 million lives, and not let others choose, once again, for us.

You can follow ANPVU on Instagram En Twitter


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