
Wereldwijde vape-groepen roepen de Australische regering op om de aanval op de legale vape-bus te beëindigen …

A coalition of vape groups and tobacco harm reduction activists call on the Australian Department of Health to stop the current crackdown on legal vape businesses.

In a letter released on Wednesday July 20th, vaping activists from around the world called on Australia’s Ministry of Health, urging it to cease the ongoing attacks against the local vape industry. This action came in response to a note received by vape shop owners across Western Australia from the WA health department, asking them to cease operations within 14 days.

Seventeen vaping consumer organisations worldwide signed the letter in support of the WA vapers, with director of the global vaping advocacy group Wereld Vapers' Alliantie Michael Landl reiterating how such actions will result in a public health disaster.

“Vaping has been a lifeline for more than 80 million people who struggled to quit smoking. It’s the most successful smoking cessation tool so far and has been acknowledged so in the UK, France, and New Zealand, to name a few. Closing down vape shops will not only lead vapers to the black market in search of their preferred products but also prevent many smokers from quitting traditional cigarettes as they will struggle to find alternatives on the market. By restricting access to harm reduction tools while keeping traditional cigarettes on the market, the WA government is opening the doors to a public health disaster,” said Landl.


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