A recently released report commissioned by the UK’s Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, includes the use of vapes for smoking cessation as a key element.
IL rapporto ‘The Khan review: Making smoking obsolete’ was an independent review of the UK government’s 2030 smoke-free policies, which encourage the use of vapes for smoking cessation. “It is great that the UK seems to keep supporting vaping to help smokers quit despite the unfounded attacks in other parts of the world. Vaping is proven to be one of the most successful smoking cessation methods. The UK is the beacon of hope for smokers who want to quit, and other governments should follow their lead,” said Michael Landl, Director of the global vaping advocacy group World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA).
A press release by the WVA summarised the review recommendations as follows:
- “Provide accurate information to healthcare professionals about the benefits of vaping
- Promote vaping as a substitute for smoking and offer free “swap to stop” vapes to help smokers quit
- Implement measures that prevent young people from taking up vaping”
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