
WVA’s partner APORVAP speaks at the Portuguese Parliament

On May 10, the WVA’s partners, the Portuguese Association of Vapers (APORVAP), were speaking at the Budget and Finance Committee of the Portuguese Parliament, specifically about the State Budget for 2022. 

APORVAP is a non-profit association that aims to defend the interests of vapers. APORVAP’s activities focus on opposing the vape tax in Portugal, known to be one of the highest in the EU, and combat misinformation about vaping, supported by scientific evidence about less harmful methods of nicotine consumption.

In their speech at the Parliament, APORVAP expressed their support for the proper interpretation of vaping as a harm reduction tool for current smokers, arguing for a fiscal adjustment that reflects the degree of impact of these products on the health of its users. It has been shown that Portugal is the member state with the highest tax on nicotine-containing liquids (€0.32/ml, with the state budget proposing an increase of 1% to €0.323/ml from now on), notably 257% higher than the European average (€0.09/ml).

Cristiano Batista, president of the board of APORVAP, said:

“We are once again trying to raise awareness of this Commission and the deputies for the enormous scientific evidence of the effectiveness of e-cigarettes in reducing the overall damage to the health of smokers. Countries at the forefront of the investigation, such as England or France, estimate a reduction in damage of around 95% to 99%, which, of course, led them to adapt their legislation and recommend e-cigarettes for smoking cessation and health protection in current smokers.”

The WVA team celebrates the efforts of APROVAR to promote harm reduction policies in Portugal.

To learn more about the APROVAP’s activities, please visit https://aporvap.pt.


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Lo svapo può salvare 200 milioni di vite e gli aromi svolgono un ruolo chiave nell'aiutare i fumatori a smettere. Tuttavia, i responsabili politici vogliono limitare o vietare i gusti, mettendo a rischio il nostro sforzo per porre fine alle morti legate al fumo.

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