
Thousands of vapers urging California State Assembly to repeal flavor ban

In late August, the State of California decided to ban all flavored liquids for e-cigarettes and vape devices. California is now the second most restrictive state in the United States for vapers when it comes to vaping regulation. Due to this ban more than 900,000 former smokers in California could be forced to switch back to smoking if the flavored tobacco ban bill (CA SB793) is not overturned by referendum.

Therefore, the World Vapers’ Alliance, Centre de choix du consommateur and the American Vaping Association sent a letter last week to members of the California State Assembly urging them to repeal the flavored tobacco ban bill and endorse harm reduction in California to avoid this disastrous result.


Gavin Newsom’s plan will have disastrous consequences and he is celebrating a victory for public health. Either governor Newsom is poorly informed about the unintended consequences prohibition always generates or he is just an anti-vaping crusader.

Instead of improving public health by reducing the number of smokers, this law will have the opposite effect: more people smoking again. Moreover, these measures will push many into the illegal market.

Luckily we can fight back in case the lawmakers don’t act. Until the 26 of November, vapers and supporters can sign to repeal the law until the people can vote on whether to keep it or not. The currently running ballot initiative to overturn the ban needs 623,312 signatures. If that happens, the law to end the sale of flavored tobacco products would not take effect on January 1 of next year as planned. That will allow Californians to vote on it in November 2022 and make the best choice for themselves.

A successful referendum campaign to overturn the ban would be fantastic for public health, consumers, and small businesses.

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Le vapotage peut sauver 200 millions de vies. 2022 est l’année pour faire de cette opportunité une réalité. Faites entendre votre voix. Rejoignez notre campagne. 


Le vapotage peut sauver 200 millions de vies et les saveurs jouent un rôle clé pour aider les fumeurs à arrêter. Cependant, les décideurs veulent limiter ou interdire les saveurs, mettant en péril nos efforts pour mettre fin aux décès liés au tabagisme.

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