
WVA: Flavours Matter

The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) has told Sweden and the Netherlands that flavours matter and vapers will be pushed back to smoking if they can’t access flavoured e-liquids. The Swedish government is on the verge of making a move that would see many vapers losing their access to flavours. Last week, the Dutch government held discussions about the details of the ban on flavoured e-liquids introduced last year.

The WVA took to the streets of Stockholm with a simple message: Flavours Matter. A billboard bike with a message explaining that flavours help smokers quit made its way to the Parliament buildings in Stockholm. The WVA’s kanpainaaims to inform politicians that banning vaping flavours would deal a catastrophic blow to public health.

Michael Landl Munduko Vapers' Allianceko zuzendariak esan zuen: “In the fight against smoking, Sweden had previously shown they understood the concept of harm reduction – namely, less dangerous alternatives to smoking need to be allowed and promoted to get smoking rates to go down. However, we were stunned to learn about the plans to completely ban vaping flavours. Data shows that banning flavours could result in up to 150,000 Swedes turning back to smoking. Politicians are about to create a public health disaster.”

Other countries are also considering similar measures. Vapers everywhere are under immense pressure by politicians trying to restrict their access to less harmful alternatives.


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