
WVA Condemns EU Health Ministers’ Backroom Deal on Smoke-Free Environment …

3.12.2024, Brussels — In a controversial move, EU health ministers have voted in favour of a recommendation to expand smoke-free environments, including a ban on vaping in various outdoor spaces. This decision comes despite the European Parliament’s previous rejection of these measures, raising concerns about evidence-based policymaking and respect for the European Parliament.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, issued the following statement:

This backroom deal by EU health ministers is a slap in the face to millions of vapers and smokers trying to quit. By ignoring the European Parliament’s stance and scientific evidence, they’re not only undermining democratic principles but also public health. Equating vaping with smoking is a dangerous misconception that could deter smokers from switching to less harmful alternatives. This recommendation is a step backwards in tobacco harm reduction efforts and could potentially cost lives.”


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Vaping 200 milioi bizitza salba ditzake. 2022a aukera hau errealitate bihurtzeko urtea da. Altxatu ahotsa. Sartu gure kanpainan. 

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Vaping 200 milioi bizitza salba ditzake eta zaporeek funtsezko eginkizuna dute erretzaileei uzten laguntzeko. Hala ere, arduradun politikoek zaporeak mugatu edo debekatu nahi dituzte, erretzearekin lotutako heriotzak amaitzeko gure ahalegina arriskuan jarriz.

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