
Vaping industriak erreakzionatzen du lurrungailu botatzeko debekuaren iragarpenaren aurrean

Liam Humberstone, technical director at Totally Wicked and a UK National expert for e-cigarette devices, has expressed some concerns over the government’s announcement that it will ban disposable vapes by 1 June 2025.

“The confirmation of the ban coming into effect from next June does concern many within the vaping industry as disposable vapes specifically have been a key entry point for many smokers seeking an easy-to-use, effective alternative to cigarettes for a number of years,” he said.  “OHID (formerly Public Health England) has consistently reported that vaping is significantly less harmful than smoking, and disposable vapes have contributed to this positive public health outcome. “That being said, we also recognise the growing concerns surrounding the use of disposable vapes by underage individuals, as well as the environmental issues linked to single-use products. We strongly believe that proper regulation, enforcement, and education are vital in addressing these concerns and protecting young people from accessing products that are not intended for them. “While we understand the reasons behind the ban, it’s crucial to ensure that adult smokers continue to have access to safer alternatives to cigarettes. This ban will affect a proportion of smokers, and many recent ex-smokers, who rely on the convenience of disposable vapes. “It will be essential for the industry and regulators to ensure that adult users have access to other vaping options that can support their quit-smoking efforts. The focus should now be on educating smokers about reusable and more sustainable vaping options, which are equally effective and more environmentally sustainable.

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